Abstract—Climate change is a phenomenon that is forcing
the world to adapt to a different environment. In this study,
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is combined with a
Geographical Information System (GIS) for flood risk analysis
and evaluation in the town of Enrile, a flood-prone area located
in northern Philippines. Expert opinions, together with
geographical, statistical and historical data, were collected and
then processed through fuzzy membership. The AHP results
showed the relative weights of three identified flood risk factors,
and these results were validated to be consistent, using a
standard consistency index. Using the Quantum GIS software,
the factor weights from the AHP were incorporated to produce a
map that is color-coded representing 5 levels of estimated flood
risks. Using such a GIS weighted overlay analysis map as guide,
local councils and other stakeholders can act to prepare for
potential flooding when the rains come or, better yet, proactively
promote appropriate land-use policy that will minimize threat to
lives due to flooding.
Index Terms—Analytic hierarchy process (AHP), decision
support system, geographic information system (GIS), land-use
G. P. Siddayao is with the Cagayan State University, College of
Information and Computing Sciences, Tuguegarao City, Philippines 3500
(e-mail: genersiddayao@gmail.com).
S. E. Valdez is with the Agoo Computer College, Agoo, La Union,
Philippines (e-mail: shunyvaldez@gmail.com).
P. L. Fernandez, Jr. is with the Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City,
Philippines (e-mail: pfernandez@ateneo.edu).
Cite: Generino P. Siddayao, Sony E. Valdez, and Proceso L. Fernandez, "Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) in Spatial Modeling for Floodplain Risk Assessment," International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 450-457, 2014.