Abstract—Organizations have high expectations for cloud
computing to help them in accomplishing their Business Level
Objectives (BLOs) and consequently change the landscape of the
business boosting both the flexibility and the agility of the
business processes. Cloud computing improves management
availability by monitoring the operations and creating new
virtual environments for a multiplex set of ubiquitous services
which is also referred to as the Internet of Things. Business
Driven IT Management (BDIM) is a way to manage business
layers through business metrics that are aligned with IT metrics
through a processes layer. This paper analyses the linkage
between cloud computing and the BDIM metrics including
organization’s cost, quality of service (QoS), and productivity.
Some of the research questions that would be analyzed include
the following: will the cloud be cost efficient? Will it affect
business productivity? Or will it enhance the quality of services?
Index Terms—Knowledge engineering, cloud computing,
bdim, quality of service, productivity, cost efficiency.
The authors are with the Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences,
University of Wollongong in Dubai, Dubai, UAE (e-mail: tk729@
uowmail.edu.au, Kmmeh954@ uowmail.edu.au, mhdha725@
uowmail.edu.au, MohamedWatfa@uowdubai.ac.ae).
Cite: Tarek Kaddoumi, Khaled Elhabashy, Mohamed Diab, and Mohamed K. Watfa, "The Impact of Knowledge Engineering and Cloud Computing Adoption on Business Driven IT," International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 460-465, 2018.