Abstract—Building a "Knowledge Base of Mongolian
Idioms" is not only the effective way of protecting, developing
and utilizing Mongolian language resources, but also providing
formal knowledge for machine translation, corpus processing,
text proofreading, and other fields which can meet the urgent
needs of Mongolian Information Processing. Developing a
teaching-aid program will provide a convenient tool for the
Mongolian students of different ages and at different levels. The
aim of this paper is using the computational linguistic theory
and method to developing a "Knowledge Base of Mongolian
Idioms". This paper will dissertate a framework of the
knowledge base from the perspective of the scale and structure,
attribute field, management software, and the analysis of
application prospect and etc.
Index Terms—Mongolian, knowledge base of idioms,
framework design.
Hai Yinhua is with the School of Mongolian Studies, Inner Mongolia
University, Hohhot,010021,China (e-mail: haiyh2008@163.com).
Cite: Hai Yinhua, "A Framework Design of Mongolian Idioms Knowledge Base," International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing vol. 4, no. 5, pp. 428-432, 2014.