Abstract—All kinds of information repositories now abound.
In large-scale information repositories, it’s a very important
thing to get the required resource quickly and intelligently. This
paper presents a framework of intelligent resource management
and retrieval which is based on domain-oriented and natural
language processing. A framework is given to indicate how the
system is constructed. And many key technologies, which
support the system implementation and implementation process,
are also described. Finally, the paper introduces operation of
real prototype system and discusses future work of the system.
Index Terms—Information resource, domain-oriented,
Gao Shaochen is with the Shanghai University of International Business
and Economic, Shanghai, 201112 China (e-mail: gaosc@ suibe.edu.cn).
Cite:Gao Shaochen, "The Research on Domain-Oriented Information Resource Management and Retrieval," International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing vol.4, no. 1, pp. 90-93, 2014.