Abstract—Job Shop scheduling problem (JSSP), which is
called NP-Hard, is classified as one of the most difficult
problems. Existing methods for the solution of such problems is
not enough. Therefore, to solve such problems, some of the
artificial intelligence techniques are used. In this study, clonal
selection algorithm (CSA), which is one of artificial immune
algorithms, is proposed to solve the job shop scheduling
problems. In the proposed method the selection of a set of clone
and mutation process of selected antibodies were carried out.
This method is named after clone-mutation mechanism. The
proposed method was applied on some test problems called as
Ft06, La01, La03, La04 and La05. Furthermore, the application,
in order to understand the effect of the mutation mechanism
was executed with values ranging from 0 to 1, and the results
are given in the Table VI. The results obtained are compared
with the best known makespan values. As a result, the proposed
method has been applied successfully in job shop scheduling
Index Terms—Artificial immune systems, artificial intelligent,
clonal selection algorithm, job shop scheduling problem,
The authors are with the Computer Engineering Department, Engineering
Faculty, Selçuk University, Konya-Turkey (e-mail:
yilmazatay@selcuk.edu.tr, hkodaz@selcuk.edu.tr).
Cite:Yılmaz Atay and Halife Kodaz, "Implementation of CSA with Clone-Mutation Mechanism to the JSSP," International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing vol.4, no. 1, pp. 6-9, 2014.